LMD has embraced a hybrid work environment, with most of our employees working remotely. While prioritizing mental health is essential to happiness and productivity, whether your workplace is remote, hybrid, or in person, it’s especially important in remote (or mostly remote) settings like LMD’s. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month—and LMD’s corporate social responsibility focus is health and wellness this year—I want to offer four practical strategies for staying mentally healthy while working remotely:

1. Make and Break Your Routine

In the past, our commutes home served as a natural break, but that distinction has faded with remote work—it's much easier to blur the lines between work and personal time. Establishing a daily routine can provide much-needed structure, but it's crucial to take breaks for meals and fresh air to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, and also reduce the risk of burnout. 

2. Create a Dedicated Workspace

A designated workspace is imperative for mentally separating work from relaxation, as well as promoting focus and productivity during work hours. Before the pandemic, I didn’t have a workspace at home since I was in the office. When I transitioned to remote work, I worked at my dining room table, surrounded by distractions. Later, when I moved in with my partner and we both worked from home, we dedicated a room as our office. This transformation reduced distractions, improved our work-life balance, enhanced our productivity, and improved our overall well-being.

3. Stay Connected with Colleagues

Working remotely can sometimes feel isolating, especially if you're accustomed to the camaraderie of an office environment. Staying connected with your coworkers through virtual meetings, instant messaging platforms, or occasional in-person gatherings can help combat this isolation. Regular communication fosters a sense of belonging, promotes team-building, and provides crucial support for mental well-being.

4. Prioritize Self-care

It's vital to integrate self-care and activities that promote relaxation—such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or journaling—into our daily routines. Hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of work, as well as healthy habits like exercise, nutrition, and sleep, can directly impact your mindset, mood, and productivity. 

  • Using a walking pad to get some physical exercise in.

  • Working with professionals, like a therapist and a nutritionist, to help with accountability and learn best practices.

  • Taking advantage of personal days.

  • Making time for hobbies that are important for maintaining identity and feeling grounded.

  • Setting intentional time to spend with my partner, like meals and walks at the end of the day.”

Remember, small changes can make a significant difference in how you navigate the challenges of remote work. Let's commit to prioritizing our mental health and supporting each other on this journey toward a healthier work-life balance.

Communications Specialist & Senior Designer
As a Communications Specialist, Chanda collaborates with the U.S. Coast Guard's recruiting offices nationwide, third party organizations, and LMD's internal creative team to execute various marketing campaigns and outreach events...Read more